

magnolia family


  1. the plant family Magnoliaceae, characterized by evergreen or deciduous trees and shrubs having simple, alternate leaves, often showy flowers with a spiral arrangement of their floral parts, and conelike fruit, and including the cucumber tree, magnolia, tulip tree, and umbrella tree.

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Example Sentences

The soil in such cases consisted of black mud, and was densely covered with bushes, chiefly of the Magnolia family.

The cucumber trees are of the magnolia family and grow in many of the Eastern States.

Next to the yellow poplar, the cucumber tree is the most important species of the magnolia family, at least as a source of lumber.

The biggest leaves with single blades to be found in our forests grow on trees of the magnolia family.

This is the hardiest of the magnolia family, and its heart-shaped leaves are six to ten inches long.



